Thank you to everyone who has commissioned me to make their blog header and/or background.
I have decided to bring this venture to an end and will not be taking any more requests for blog design work.
My TOU still apply to all existing design work though... Siggi Shop's Terms & Conditions
Problems solved...
Does your header overhang to the right of your title box slightly?
If you have a header measuring 660px wide and use a minima template it's just a matter of altering the header-wrapper width in the HTML from 660px to 672px
Do you want to remove the 2-line border from around your blog header?
then please CLICK HERE for instructions how to do this
Lose your blog background?
Firstly, if you did, I'm sorry for any inconvenience to you.
I host the backgrounds myself on my free photobucket account so that you do not have to change the settings on your own photobucket account.
Obviously the more popular all of your blogs are, the more backgrounds that are viewed (and there are quite a few saved to my account), therefore this is using up my bandwidth (max 2.5GB per month).
Once the bandwidth is exceeded all images saved to my photobucket account are replaced with a bandwidth exceeded logo from photobucket.
Once my month resets with photobucket (25th of the month), my bandwidth goes back to zero and all images will return, until then the exceeded bandwidth logo will remain.
One way to avoid this from happening is to have less images in my photobucket account, you can help by hosting the background yourself.
If you would like to host your background yourself, you can grab the image from the code you inserted in your blog.
How to upgrade the settings on your photobucket account
Log into your account and click the 'Upload Now' green button.
Next, near the bottom of the page you will see a link...
'Customize your upload options'
Click that link and then select the option:
'Best possible quality (while staying 1mb or less)'
Now click SAVE before closing the screen.
You can now upload your background to your photobucket account and the background won't get resized.
just exchange the direct url (the url with your blog background name) from the one hosted by my account for the one that is now hosted in yours.