Firstly I have used cup of bunny and removed the balloons, instead I gave bunny a spoon which I drew myself and coloured with silver gel pen, really easy to do.
The other one is gift bunny, although instead of holding the little prezzy he is peeking over the top of a stack of books, which is a magnolia stamp, this would be a great embellishment on a card or LO for a teacher or a student.

The following topper is ready made to go onto a card blank, I used pot of bunny and just used the top rim of the pot and bunny himself, I then drew a body and 2 feet with a black gel pen and coloured it all in, stuck all the bits together and voila! bunny is holding a sign instead of peeking over a pot, another example that this could be used for is for people who have taken their driving test, the sign could be a number plate saying 'U PA55ED'

Go on... get out your bunny stampz and have a go yourself! ;)